On-Site Poster Print Centre at Vancouver Convention Centre

VCC On-Site Poster Printing & Distribution

FIRST IN CANADA to provide dedicated Conference Poster Printing + Hosting Distribution - Fabric & Paper
PREMIUM Fabric Poster - eliminate $50 Airline Baggage Fee

Cheapest Fabric in Canada / US: 36x48 from cad $70 or usd $49
Designed to handle High Volume Fabric & Paper Posters
(1 to 500 poster project)* (* On-site & Factories)

BENEFITS: On-Site Poster Distribution (inside Convention Centre) with Discount of 25-40%
Extended Pre-Order / Discount Schedule (down from 3 Week to about 1 week @ Econo Pricing)
24/7 Rush + Weekend Support
(with Graphics Support Team) . . .

FOR PRESENTERS: Poster Pickup INSIDE Convention Centre (flexible schedule during M-F 9-4)
Multiple Pickup Centre : VCC / City Centre & W. Broadway

  • Local & Discount Vancouver Poster Order

    Basic & "Unlisted" Event Poster Order

    Easy Local Pickup 
  • Vancouver Research Poster Pickup Map

    Convenient Pickup Support in Vancouver

    Econo & Rush Service

  • Research Poster Pickup Map for UBC, Hyatt, Fairmont & Wall Centre

    Closest Poster Centre to UBC Campus, Hyatt, Fairmont & Sheraton

  • 1 Day Canada-wide Research Poster Shipping

    Canada-Wide Poster Pickup in 8 Cities

    Arrive in 1-3 days 

Contact us - FabricPosterOnline@gmail.com (North America) or PrintingInVancouver@gmail.com

FAQ - for Vancouver Conference Events

How Long (Std. 2-4 days) - How Rush (1-2 days) - How Big (up to 48x96)

a. RUSH - 1-2 days, SuperRUSH in 3-4 Hours (Rush Charge Applied), Standard / Econo 2-4 days

b. Poster Event (Pre-Order) - Poster Ready for Pickup at VCC about 2 days before the event

c. we print any size up to (48x96 inch) in both Paper and Fabric

Pickup @ Vancouver Convention Centre (M-F) + 2 others

Poster Pickup available at Vancouver Convention East Building (East Building) - After you place the order, you will be given the PICKUP Instruction and details to pickup
--- For NON Downtown Pickup / Local Users: W. Broadway

Hotel Delivery - Optional

(Free) Delivery to certain Events being Hosted in Special Hotel Conference Locations (pre-arranged) - See your Event for Details (for registered guest only)

Weekend Downtown Hotel Delivery is available for Certain Events. See your Event for Details

Sales Tax Included in Most Poster Order

We included Regional Sales Tax to make it easier for our Out-of-town & International Guests. They will be shown as ($xx+Tax). To display your local currency, go to bottom of page to change your country code.

(1-2 Days Rush) Fabric Poster Produced in Vancouver & Toronto

Order by Noon (Eastern Time) and Poster Arrives Toronto / Montreal / Ottawa Tomorrow Noonish E.T. ($15 Rush Fee) - 9 am cut-off on Western Provinces

Benefits of Fabric Poster (Canada Wide Rush $15)

1.) Easy to Fly with you on Plane, 2.) Superior Printing Quality and 3.) '1 Day Rush' Ship to Toronto / Montreal / Ottawa / Calgary for $15 Rush AirShip (Maritimes / Rural / weather conditions may takes longer)

Poster Pickup near other Major City's Convention Centre

Easy Poster Pickup available near Convention Centre / Downtown in Seattle, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg . . .

Additional FAQ

Is FABRIC Better or Paper ?

Our Fabric (Graphics Edition) Prints BETTER THAN Paper, especially when you have heavy Ink or Fine Text & Charts. Designed to handle "Better" Poster.

36x48 Fabric Poster for $70 and ready in 1-2 days ?

While you can get FAST Paper Poster from D/T Printshop ($$$) or wait for DAYS to get your (expensive) FABRIC

We give you the benefits of both (because you've made us the biggest Fabric Poster Supplier in Canada)

NO Order on USB / NO Walk-in

Our Online Poster Ordering allow us to operate as a factory. This policy allows us to keep our price low (30-60% lower than Retail Printers offering Walk-in Services to cover extra staffing cost)

File Formats

We accept Jpg, Png and Pdf as file formats for File Uploads. While these format offer the preferred dimensional stability, we offer no warrenty to color shifts, or low resolution bitmap conversion caused by many factors : PC->Mac, Powerpoint limitations, Pptx->Pdf, Ai/Pdf Versions, Bitmap resolutions, rgb->cymk, font->curves, color space & gamut

Invoices come after Ordering

If you have special Invoicing Needs (bill to a different name, etc.) please provide us details in advance


The seller may provide discount and adjustment to pricing due to certain circumstances. This is solely the discretion of the seller, and decision is final. You must file a claim (by email) before you start using the products, that gives the seller the opportunity to replace the product(s) before your usage. Request after usage may be denied.

Poster are Prepaid

We accept many types of Secured Online payment, Visa, MC, Pay-Pal. Additional payment options may be available in different country, and will be shown on checkout

Adjustment / Returns / Refund

Due to the nature of the products, there are no returns or refunds and is 100% in the discretion of the regional managers. All handling with ANY adjustment matters has a $25 service charge. For non-rush jobs there is a 20 minutes allowance for supplying an updated file. For RUSH jobs - no allowance - you should check your file before any submission.

Showcase your Project

We showcase Premium Poster for education and research purpose at our discretion. (to aid other presenters with brilliant ideas). If you object to our presentation (before you order or after we showcase) - you can email us for your concerns.

My Custom Size is not shown

Order the Next BIGGER size and let us know the "TRIM DOWN" size (free service)

How to order Custom Size (up to 48x96) ?

For Custom Size, order 'Next Size Up' and give us size to 'Trim Down' to your Custom Size