Collection: How Good is Fabric Research Poster

Our Fabric Poster (Graphics Edition) Prints BETTER than traditional Paper Conference Research Poster and Priced about $15-20 more than Paper Poster.  *

Check out our 15 seconds Demo short movie on YouTube (@fabricposter) and be your own judge

* 36x48 / A0 Poster: Paper from $41 and Premium Fabric from $54
Fabric Conference Poster upgrade charge is based on 3x4 ft., other size varies


Is the quality (of Fabric Research Poster) that Good. - YES It is, Our youtube / Instagram shows you how good they are

Why is Fabric Poster IMPORTANT ?   (read)

During Covid, a top-5 supplier called for URGENT HELP to fill a LOST SHIPMENT. We Produced a 100+ Fabric Poster and Fly them out (to Timbuctoo). We realize that's the POSTER OF THE FUTURE for everyone . . . so we build the 'cheaper and faster production line for the Fabric - Graphics Edition Poster' for individual presenters . . . (becoming a top-3 fabric poster supplier)

Lower Price ?   (read)

Yes, we can offer you Excellent Pricing. Our High Volume Fabric Poster Production cut our Selling Price to about 30-50% cheaper than Paper Poster. (data source: online pricing of the top-5 Poster Supplier)

1 - 2 days AirShip ?   (read)

It's meant to resolve Airline luggage Lost, Clumsy Poster Tube & Luggage Charge ...
ps. don't blame the airline - the luggage handling system is really not meant to handle 'odd size poster tube' . . . and Air Parcel is MUCH CHEAPER than Airline luggage surcharge.

3 - 5 days Econo ?    (read)

Like Airline, if you book your job early - you can enjoy discounted printing . . . Jobs get Printed and Arrive in about 5 days (US & Canada)

How Good ?   (read)

Paper is 'flat printing' while Fabric is weaving and have 'Peak and Valley'. Our tweeted 'formula' allows us to print BETTER Halftone, Gradient, more Vibrant Color and Color Consistency. (we print fabric for 25 years, our youtube video shows you our experience on how we print a 4x7 -> 28 sq. ft. heavy ink fabric poster, averaging 6x the normal ink absorption.)

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