Collection: Human Microbiome: Diversity, Selection and Adaptation Banff Conference Poster

Cheapest Banff, Alberta Conference Research Paper/Fabric Poster 39x39 in. $70 + ship to Fairmont Banff Springs (guest).

Human Microbiome: Diversity, Selection and Adaptation, (joint with The Microbiome Pathobiont Continuum) will be held Feb 18-21, 2025, a Keystone Symposia Conference.  

Conference Poster size is 39 x 39 inches. For Smaller Size, Provide TRIM DOWN SIZE Details, same price 

Superb Fabric Poster Quality with Vibrant Ink, Heavy Solid Color, Crisp Fonts/Images.

Cheapest Fabric Poster in Canada/US, ship to your conference hotel or pickup in our Downtown Calgary Office.

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